Request for Fall 2018 Project Proposals!
Throughout DownCity Design’s 2018-19 program year, our work will be guided by the theme ‘Resilient Providence.’ DCD will engage young people in designing and fabricating beautiful and functional installations, graphics and products that will showcase new possibilities and practices to promote sustainable practices in the city of Providence. Resilient PVD will focus on investigating and inspiring new models of resilience and preparing Providence for the challenges associated with climate change, including the very real impacts of rising sea levels and storm surge on our coastal city.
This year, participants in 3-4 of our free youth programs will design and create a public project that will be donated to our project partners to help build community here in Providence. We envision our young designers creating amenities like rain-water collection systems for community gardens, bioswales to help mitigate rainwater flooding, public awareness campaigns, and pop-up parklets designed to broadly share information and resources about sustainability.
We’re looking for some great projects to tackle this year! If you have a project that fits this theme and meets our criteria outlined, we encourage you to submit a proposal by 5pm on September 23, 2018. Our panel of educators, staff and students will review proposals to choose several potential Project Partners to partner with for this year.