Downcity designers

In DownCity Designers: Design Studio, students will work together to design a new structure to improve a public space like a park, school, or playground in Providence. We will learn about the design process while exploring our chosen community service project site and figuring out what we can create to improve it. Learn basic architectural techniques like drawing and making small-scale models in order to develop your design ideas, and gain an introduction to 3D modeling design software.
In DownCity Designers: Build Studio, students will work together to build a new structure to improve a public space like a park, school, or playground in Providence. We will continue to learn about the design process while building a service project for our community client from the fall session and then learn to use basic power tools to bring your vision to life!
DATES: October 7 - December 18, 2024 (Fall Session) + February 3 - June 4, 2025 (Spring Session)
TIMES: Monday + Wednesday 3:00 pm-5:00 pm
LOCATION: DownCity Design Studio (370 Cranston St, Providence, RI 02907)
STUDENTS ELIGIBLE: Rhode Island High School Students in 9th-12th grade
*Students may enroll for the fall semester, spring semester, or both!
Contact Youth Program Manager Dan Mitrovic with any questions at or at (401) 272-8070